Dice Demon's Descent

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Dice Demon's Descent

Post by neity »

The casino became my obsession. As Alex, lost everything at the poker tables.
Each evening, the casino beckoned. The clinking of chips was a temptation I couldn't resist.
My wife, Emily, urged me to quit playing slots, but I couldn't resist the pull.
On that calamitous night at the high-stakes tables, I bet our whole life: our entire nest egg, our dwelling - on one spin of the wheel.
My poker hand was beaten and fortune abandoned me.
Returning to our place with empty pockets, I found only a note: "Goodbye. Your roulette wheel madness has destroyed us."
Alone in an vacant space, I grasped that grasping at the perfect bet cost me everything that mattered.
Medical professionals confirmed severe depression, compounded by my withdrawal from betting.
Now, constantly is a struggle not just with the memory of the poker table, but with the crushing sadness that haunts me. Can I possibly rise above this pit shaped by the relentless pursuit of the next win?
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